Contributing to the Registry

Tell us about the New Deal art that you find in your town or on your travels.
Clicking here will create an email addressed to the Registry.
To add an artwork that we don’t already have, please provide as much of the following as you can:
  • Precise location of the art (2nd floor stairwell, postal lobby, school, library, etc.)
  • Name of the work
  • Name of the artist
  • Year the work was done
  • Medium (oil on canvas, carved wood, fresco, etc)
  • Any additional information that you think is interesting
You can attach one or more photos to this email. Ideally, at least one will show the entire work. The higher the resolution, the better.

If you are correcting or updating information about a work already in the Registry, or are submitting new photos, make sure to tell us the location and the name of the artwork in question. Then provide whatever new information you have to offer.

We will incorporate your additions and corrections promptly.

Thanks for helping us keep the Registry up to date!